EWS - GEMS Major
Living, working and leading in today's diverse, multicultural society
Through the GEMS (Gender, Ethnic and Multicultural Studies) degree you’ll earn in EWS, you’ll acquire a comparative and expansive understanding of our diverse, global society. You’ll gain skills in social inquiry and critical thinking, along with the valuable ability to work well with people of different ethnicities, cultures, backgrounds, and gender identities.
Our department at Cal Poly Pomona is a pioneer in the development of interdisciplinary Ethnic and Women’s Studies encompassing all ethnicities as well as gender identities. Other universities have separate majors or departments such as “Asian Studies”, “Latin American Studies” or “Women’s Studies.” Our combined GEMS major truly reflects the richness and diversity of our world today.
Justice, equality and the skills to make good things happen
Our program combines academic study and “service learning:” involvement in community projects that give you first-hand experience in helping to build a more just and democratic society. Your hands-on work in the community is illuminated by the study of history, politics, theory and culture. Your academic insights come to life in real-world involvement where you learn skills of management and collaboration. We balance the study of why inequality exists with ways to make a real difference. From the exciting Day of the Dead celebration we host for the entire Cal Poly Pomona campus, to our work with women in prison (college preparation classes and transition preparation) to our Native American community garden focusing on native foods, you’ll be an agent of positive progress. By empowering others, our students empower themselves – it’s a two-way street.
Career possibilities and opportunities
Become a leader and innovator in any field. Our program prepares you to enter law, community service, government, teaching, social work, public policy, public health, urban planning, as well as graduate or professional schools. Or enter the Education Department and earn your credential, master’s or doctoral degree.

The Red Chador
Close Encounters
Join us for The Red Chador: Close Encounters, the Southern California debut of Anida Yoeu Ali's powerful art exhibit, running from Tuesday, January 21, to Thursday, March 20, 2025. Addressing global issues of Islamophobia, racism, and misogyny, Ali's work blends religious aesthetics with public performance to challenge perceptions of identity and otherness.
Events:Artist Reception
Jan. 21, 2025 4-7pm
Artist Keynote Talk
Mar. 19, 2025 12-2pm
URSA Major at Bronco Student Center
Durational Performance of “The Rainbow Brigade”
Mar. 20, 205 12-3pm
Kellogg Art Gallery